<Government of Puducherry, Department of Revenue and Disaster Management, Puducherry


Puducherry District e-Governance Society

Formation of PDeGS

In order to implement the e-District project at District level Puducherry District e-Governance Society (PDeGS) was proposed to be constituted under the Chairmanship of District Collector, Puducherry with roles and responsibilities and was registered on 11-11-2013 under Societies Registration Act 1860. Puducherry District e-Governance Society (PDeGS) shall function under the Puducherry District Administration.

The primary objective of the Puducherry District e-Governance Society (PDeGS), Puducherry is to administer the implementation of e-District, a Mission Mode Project (MMP) for the overall benefit of the citizens and public by setting up the necessary administrative, financial, legal and technical framework, implementation mechanism and resources in the District of Puducherry. The PDeGS, Puducherry will function as per the guidance of the Directorate of Information Technology and Puducherry e-Governance Society (PeGS), Puducherry. It will also facilitate to provide necessary training to Government Officials / end users and required awareness programme / training to citizen.

The Society shall have its Board of Governor as the Supreme Authority and source of all powers and functions and activities. The general superintendence, direction and control of the affairs of the society and of its income and property shall be vested in the Board of Governors of the society. The Board shall adopt and approve the report of their working of the society and to consider the audited accounts of the society.

Constitution of Board of Governors

Sl.No. Designation Remarks
1. The  District Collector, Puducherry Chairman
2. The Sub/Dy. Collector (Revenue) North, Puducherry. Vice-Chairman
3. The Sub/Dy. Collector (Revenue) South, Villianur, Puducherry Member
4. The Director, Dept. Of Information Technology / The Convenor (PeGS), Puducherry Member
5. The Director of Survey & Land Records  Puducherry. Member
6. The Director of Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Puducherry Member
7. The Director, Local Admn.Department, Puducherry Member
8. The Special Officer, O/o the Special Secretary Revenue  -cum- District Collector, Puducherry. Member Secretary
Nominated Members
9. Representative from NIC, Puducherry. Member
10. Representative from composite team Member
Co-opted Members
11. Two eminent citizens which the Chairman decides to be co-opted Co-opted Members

Roles and Responsibilities of DeGS

  1. Implement e-District project and co-ordinate amongst the various stakeholders at field level.
  2. Provide commitment and support to bringing-in the process changes.
  3. Provide overall guidance to the Projects at District level.
  4. Work closely with the selected System Integrator/implementing agency
  5. Build capacity of the staff at various level of the District Administration.
  6. Manage, supervise and implement backend computerization of Government Departments with long term vision of Government.
  7.  Be responsible for proper record keeping of all the assets including software/    artifacts created under the scheme at the District level.
  8. Release funds to the implementingagencies on successful completion/ installation of hardware, training and data digitization.
  9. Support the Common Services Centers (CSCs), throughout the District for providing Government to Citizen (G2C) services as per the Service Level Agreements between Departments/ State Designated Agency (SDA) for CSCs and the Service Center Agency. It would identify and recommend the Citizen Services which can be provided in consultation and co-ordination with the concerned departments on priority and assist SCA in roll out of G2C services through CSCs.
  10. Collect user charges as fixed by the State Government and keep audited accounts of the same.
  11. Take all publicity measures and campaigning through media like TV, radio, newspaper, conferences, seminars, public meetings, etc
  12. Explore revenue streams for the sustenance of the District e-Governance Society and assist State Designated Agency (SDA) in formulating policies accordingly.
  13. The District e-Governance Society (DeGS) shall also ensure close tie-ups with all the stakeholders in the project, to provide commitment and support, help to bring-in the process changes and overall guidance to the project.