Rajiv gandhi social security scheme for poor families - 2012

Object of the Scheme

The object is to provide financial assistance to all the below poverty line family members in the Union Territory of Puducherry in the age group of 18-60 years, in the event of natural and unnatural death, partial total disability and permanent total disability due to accidents.

Enforcement Date:

This scheme have came into force with effect from 25.03.2011.

Eligibility conditions

  • The deceased / disabled person for whom claim is made shall be a member of the below proverty line family in the age group of 18-60 years, in the Union Territory of Puducherry, whose annual family income shall not be more than Rs. 75,000.
  • A beneficiary under this scheme is not eligible to avail any other benefit in a scheme (if any) operated by Government of India / Government of Puducherry / Local Bodies of Puducherry Government to cease / misuse the double claim at present time or in future under any circumstance.

Procedure for making the claim application

  1. The claim form shall be available in all the respective Taluk / Sub-Taluk Office at free of cost.
  2. The claimant / beneficiary shall claim financial assistance in Form-A, if the death of the member is natural / unnatural.
  3. The claimant / beneficiary shall claim financial assistance in Form-B, if the member is partially disabled or permanently disabled due to an accident.
  4. The claim form shall be submitted to the Tahsildar / Deputy Tahsildar of the respective Taluk / Sub-Taluk Office falling within the jurisdiction of the member, within 180 days from the date of death of the member or from the date of accident to the member.
  5. The claim form shall be accompanied by the following certificates / documents, namely:-
    1. Attested photocopy of the BPL Family Ration card. (or) Orignal Income Certiifcate of the family whose annual income is not mre than Rs. 24,000 issued by the Tahsildar / Deputy Tahsildar, Taluk / Sub-Taluk Office.
    2. Original Death Certificate issued by the Competent authority.
    3. Original Disability Certificate issued by the Competent authority in case of accident to the member.
    4. Attested photocopy of the (i) F.I.R (ii) Post-mortem report (iii) Police Inquest report in case of the accidental / ununatural death.
    5. Attested photocopy of the Ration Card or Aadhaar Card.
    6. The attested photocopy of the first page of bank account of any nationalised bank maintained by the claiment /beneficiary.

Procedure to be followed in settlement of claims:-

The respetive Taluk / Sub-Taluk Office shall scrutinise the claim form and after checking the veracity of the applicaiton in all respects shall forward the eligible claim forms alongwith the enclosures to the Settlement Officer (Respective Sub / Deputy Collector (Revenue) with proper certification by the scrutinising Officers.

Claim form submitted to the respective Taluk / Sub-Taluk office after 180 days of the date of death of the member or of the date of physically disablement due to accident to the member and incomplete claim forms without necessary enclosures shall not be forwarded to the Settlement Officer.

The Settlement Officer may accept the claim forms submitted after 180 days from the date of death of the member or from the date of accident to the member as teh case may be, if it is duly enquired into and recommended as a genuine case condoning the delay by the Collector.

The Settlement Officer shall scrutinise the claim form and after being satisfied as to the eligibility shall sanction the financial assistance in Form-C to the claimant / beneficiary in the case of natural / unnatural death of the member and grant the same in the form of payment through e-payment vide bank account maintained by the beneficiary in any nationlised bank in the Union Territory of Puducherry.

The Settlement Officer shall scrutinise the claim form and after being satisfied as to the eligibility shall sanction financial assistance in Form-D in case of partial or permanent total disability of the member due to accident and grant the same in the form of payment through e-payment vide bank account maintained by the beneficiary in any nationalised bank in the Union Territory of Puducherry.

Sanction of benefits

The following assistance is provided to the members covered under this scheme:

Claim Type Beneficial Amount
Natural death Rs. 30,000/-
Unnatural death Rs. 75,000/-
Permanent Total Disability (PTD) due to accident. Rs. 75,000/-
Partial Permanent Total Disability due to accident Rs. 37,500/-



In case the financial assistance has been sanctioned on the basis of false / wrong information given by the beneficiary / member / any official of the Government, the entire amount paid is liable to be recovered under the Pondicherry Revenue Recrovery Act. The individual is also liable to be prosecuted for deliberatlely furnishing false / wrong information.


Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Settlement Officer may prefer an appeal to the Appellate Authority (Colletor of the respective District) within thirty days from the date of receipt of such decision.